<aside> 📢 For the latest on Glue Club go to glueclub.com


Peer groups of Operations leaders at rapidly scaling startups learning and growing together.

What will we do together?

<aside> ✨ CONNECT | Build a peer group going through the peaks and valleys of company growth. You’ll have the opportunity to connect both in small groups with people at similar-stage companies and across the larger community as a whole via Slack and other events. Our hope is that you will lean on members of your group and the community as a whole for years to come.


<aside> 💡 LEARN | Molly Graham has scaled 5 companies and has advised numerous growing startups. She’s got stories, frameworks, and lessons to help you see around corners and make critical decisions.


<aside> 🛠 WORK | Each session we’ll tackle active challenges facing the group. Even if the topic isn’t relevant to you today, there’s a good chance it will be one day or you’ll have recently tackled it and be able to provide another perspective.


What’s Included? 🌱

👉 The 8-week introductory program includes 5 main parts:

In total, you’ll receive 12 hours of live, facilitated, and discussion-based content led by experienced operational leaders*.***

Who should apply? 👥